Common HTTP Response Codes

A subset of HTTP response codes for quick reference. Other codes exist but are either typically handled by the server, web framework, or they're rarely, if ever, used by me.

Status Phrase Usage Response body Response headers
200 OK Success Any requested content or applicable information
201 Created Success and I created a new resource Usually the newly created resource
202 Accepted I accepted the request but will process it asynchronously Either empty or some information regarding the upcoming processing
204 No Content I have no content to return, maybe the headers are useful
303 See other Your PUT or POST was successful and now redirecting you to GET the resource via another URL URL
307 Temporary Redirect Redirecting you temporarily to another URL but send future requests here URL
308 Permanent Redirect Redirecting you permanently to another URL so send all future requests there URL
400 Bad Request You sent a request containing errors. Fix them and try again! Error page or parsable details
401 Unauthorised I don't know who you are and the resource is restricted Error page or parsable details
403 Forbidden I know who you are but you don't have access rights Error page or parsable details
404 Not Found I can't find the resource OR I'm secretly hiding a restricted resource from you (401 or 403) Error page or parsable details
405 Method Not Allowed You can't perform that action on this resource Error page or parsable details Allow: comma separated list of allowed methods
410 Gone Resource permanently removed Error page or parsable details
411 Length Required Content-Length header is missing and required, probably because I have a request body limit and only want to read the required number of bytes Error page or parsable details
413 Payload Too Large Request body is too large Error page or parsable details
415 Unsupported Media Type I don't support the request body format Error page or parsable details
500 Internal Server Error There's something wrong with me, notify my admins and come back later Error page or parsable details
503 Service Unavailable I'm under maintenance or currently over worked, please come back later Error page or parsable details Retry-After: date or time in seconds