
I have compressed my past two decades of experience and study into the following principles as a reminder for how I should initially approach problems and make decisions. They are effective heuristics for further growth within the disciplines of Research, Analytics, Engineering, and Leadership.

While I strive to keep things straightforward, I have intentionally written these in a somewhat erudite and poetic manner. This is to coerce me and any other readers into unpacking each piece at the cost of shunning the incurious. It's an exercise in thinking that should be done regularly.


The means to adapt is insurance against uncertainty.


True value is cultivated and grown; thus emergent in nature. Be wary of peddlers selling seemingly simple and conspicuous ideas.


Seek empirical evidence when in a position to do so. Honest conviction for an idea is developed through the exploration and removal of doubts, not their suppression.


Conclusions are reached through logic governed by belief. By experimenting with belief we are experimenting with the parameters to logic that may result in more accurate and useful conclusions.


In so far as possible, progress in small incremental steps such that feedback is seemingly continuous and intrinsic motivators have the upperhand against procrastinators.


Explore and understand the history of your craft and its tools. Many great ideas are put simply but widely misunderstood. Historical accounts act as foundations for practical interpretation and effective appplication.


What's worse than ignorance? Ignorance of your ignorance. Don't let what you know blind you to what could be.


Be led by meaning and curiosity, not society and safety.


Crafting innovative and valuable goods is an exercise in acquiring, verifying, and applying knowledge.


Discard anything that lacks sufficient meaning or utility. If it's not serving your survival and progression then it's serving the anthesis.


As a heuristic, let intuition guide and empiricism drive.


Take non-naive risks; for protectionism wrecks growth and innovation. Risk aversion preserves your existence, but won't allow you to live.


Mind the gap between your opinion and reality.


Don't confuse consensus for verification, don't confuse hoped for outcomes with real world outcomes, and don't confuse confidence with competance.